The word DAROOD is not Arabic. The word SALAWAAT is Arabic. It is usually believed that if we read SALAWAAT on Muhammad [s.a.] for a certain number of times, our sins will be forgiven, so on and so forth.
If we see the Quran, we come to know that it is not only human beings who are to do SALAWAAT but Allah, His angels as well as the prophet [s.a.] also do SALAWAAT on human beings.
Please see the following:
Allah's SALAWAAT on human beings
2:156 When a calamity befalls them, they do not waver. Rather, they say, "We are for Allah, dedicated to His Cause and every step of ours will advance in the Direction shown by Him."
2:157 It is they on whom is SALAWAAT from their Lord [i.e. whom their Lord supports] and blesses with His Grace. And it is they, they who are guided to the most desirable destination.
The above verse clearly indicates that SALAWAAT can also be on human beings from Allah. Now does this mean that Allah reads for a certain time SALAWAAT on people? It does not make sense.
Rasool's SALAWAAT for human beings
9:103 Accept their contribution for the community. Purify their thoughts with proper education and training so that their "Self" may grow. SALLI ALAIHIM [i.e. commend/appreciate them!] Your SALAWAAT [i.e. commendation/appreciation] is a great source of peace in their hearts. Allah is Hearer, Knower.
In the above verse Allah has ordered Muhammad [s.a.] to do SALAWAAT on human beings. Does this mean that Muhammad [s.a.] reads SALAWAAT on people for a certain number of times? It does not make sense.
Allah's and His Angels' SALAWAAT on human beings
33:43 He it is Who bestows His blessings upon you, and supports you [YUSALLI ALAIKUM], and His angels, that He may bring you forth from darkness into the Light. And Merciful is He, indeed, to those who attain belief.
In the above verse Allah and His angles do SALAWAAT on momineen. Does this mean that Allah and His angels reads SALAWAAT on people for a certain number of times? It does not make sense.
SALAWAT of human beings for the RASOOL
9:99 And among the Bedouins are those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and consider their spending as a means towards Allah and a means of SALAWAAT-E-RASOOL [i.e. commendation/appreciation/moral support of the Messenger]. This will raise their ranks with Allah. Allah will embrace them with His Mercy. Verily, Allah is Forgiving, Gracious.
The above verse explains the concept of SALAWAAT by describing "Spending" as a means of "getting appreciation".
Now see the most commonly referred verse according to which momineen should do SALAWAAT on Muhammad [s.a.]
33:56 Verily, Allah and His angels bless the Messenger and commend/support his Mission [YUSALLOONA]. O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Commend/Support his Mission [SALOO ALAIHI] in total submission.
Consider all the above verses and decide yourself.
Is SALAWAAT just from Momineen for Muhammad [a.s.]?
The answer is no.
The SALAWAAT is also from Allah to human beings.
The SALAWAAT is also from the Messenger [a.s.] for human beings.
So when Allah does SALAWAAT on human beings, Does He read something for a certain number of times on human beings?
SALAWAAT is not reading something for a certain number of times but practically doing something i.e. commending and supporting the mission of the Messenger [a.s.] by whatever means we can.
SALAWAAT is not something that should be a bone of contention whether there should be a SALAWAAT before adhan (i.e. the call for the prayer) or not. It has an utterly different meaning and objective.
What is As Salawat ? As Salawat is the blessing. Is it not strange that Salah is spelt exactly the same as Salawat? In order to understand Salawat we must look at Salah. We have already covered Salah in a separate article on this site. PLEASE READ IT FOR YOURSELF. Having read the article on Salah we find that we are in fact writing the name AHMAD with our body. So if we are writing the name AHMAD with our body first before we get to LILLAH then why is it wrong to say Salawat or Darood on Muhammad? In other words, we have to write the name AHMAD The Nabee (Prophet) is closer to the believers than their own selves so that is one form of nearness of Muhammad to us than our own selves. Then we finally come to rest in the position of Lillah in the Salah. Therefore we have to attain first attain nearness to Muhammad before we can attain nearness to Allah. There is one deviant sect of Muslims who call the Salah 'the Contact Prayer'. They do not believe in sending Salawat upon Muhammad . Can they explain who are they contacting ? Unless they have changed the body movements of the Salah and they are writing the word CONTACT with their bodies ! Therefore the Arabic word Salawat is basically spelt Salat or Salah and both Salah and Salawat draw the seeker closer to Muhammad first and then to Allah. In other words we have to pass through AHMAD first before we rest in LILLAH. If Allah could be approached directly by everyone there was no need to send Messengers (), Allah would have spoken to every person ! In Urdu Salawat is called Darood. Why ? If we look at the word Darood it is spelt Why is it spelt as it is ? If we split the word Darood into two words we get Dar and Wood . Dar means 'Place' and Wood means 'Love' . Therefore Darood is the Place of Love. Whose place ? Muhammad's ! Whose love ? Allah's love ! Hence the title given to MuhammadHabeeb Allah - the Beloved of Allah.
The 99 Names of Allah have been taught to us by Muhammad. We have to try and emulate some of the Siffat or Names or Qualities of Allah but we must endeavour to know all the 99 Names. For example, As Saboor is the Patient, we have to try and emulate the quality of patience. Then there is the Name Al Muzill meaning the Degrader, we must KNOW what it means. Why ? So that we like what Allah likes and we dislike what Allah dislikes. If we go against this rule, then Allah will degrade us. Remeber what happened to Shaytan - Satan when he refused to bow down to Adam () ? Allah wanted Shaytan to bow down to Adam () whom Allah had made with His own hands, but Shaytan did not like what Allah had made and liked. Allah degraded Shaytan !
Rasool Allah said, "Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise."
[Sahih Bukhari]
If Allah loves Muhammadthen we must also love Muhammad. There is no way out. If we do not show respect and love towards Muhammad then how can we say that we like what Allah likes?
56 Allah and His angels send blessings on the Nabee (Prophet): You that believe! send blessings on him and salute him with all respect.
[Quran: Al Ahzab Chapter 33]
May Allah enlighten all the Muslims and guide them to the correct path. Ameen.
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions
Khalid M. Malik Ghouri